How to build a bulletproof core with your own bodyweight
How to build a bulletproof core with your own bodyweight
To get visible six pack abs you need to have a low body fat percentage, which is achieved by being in a caloric deficit. You have to burn more calories than you consume to lose fat.
The purpose of abdominal training isn’t to get you a six-pack. Instead, it’s about strengthening your core muscles that support your entire body. All compound movements engage the core and to maintain proper form you need to have integrity in your posture.
One of the Best Core Exercises:
- Hollow body hold – the most fundamental static hold in all bodyweight exercises (30 seconds is a good goal). Hollow body hold is exercise that will blow your explosive strength up real quick, especially if you are working on your clean muscle ups. You may say where’s the connection between muscle ups and hollow body? Well, to produce the maximal amount of force when you are pulling, your body needs to be as rigid as possible so you don’t lose energy while pulling.

- L sit – static core excercise that can be performed on parallettes, rings, pullup bar. Progress with bend knees if you can’t do it with legs extended yet.

- Plank and side plank

- Dragon flag – lie down on a bench and grab hold of it with your hands. Raise your entire lower body up into the air and move it down as slow as possible.

- Ab wheel / ring rollouts – use a special ab wheel / skateboard / regular basketball or gymnastic rings.

- Hanging leg or knee raises – hang with your elbows locked out, and rear shoulder scapula muscles activated. Raise your legs or knees as high as possible. It is important to not use momentum / swinging for cheating and not lean backwards (You don’t want to use back muscles)

We know two primary types of core training; dynamic and static training. Static training involves the joint and muscle either working against an immovable force (maximal muscle action) or being held in a static position while opposed by resistance (submaximal muscle action) [1]. Actions within a wide variety of sports require isometric strength; for example, Judo, gymnastics, climbing, mountain biking, wrestling and horseback riding [2] Dynamic strength is the ability to exert a muscle force concentrically or eccentrically repeatedly or continuously over time. Due to the body’s functional design, during dynamic movement there is more dependence on core musculature than just skeletal rigidity as in a static situation; as the purpose of movement is to resist a force that changes its plane of motion [1].
As you can see we actually choosed 3 static and 3 dynamic core excercises. It is important to use both way of training your core and to combine these two variations.
In all that excercises you should be careful that you lower back doesn’t arch, because that could lead to some injuries. Your core must be squeezed and its strength will determine how well you’ll maintain good form during movements and will also give you a rock solid abdominal wall. It’s literally the foundation to get stronger in everything you do. DON’T neglect it.
Advantages of Core training
One of the biggest advantages of Core training is absolutely the fact you can start everywhere and any time without requirement of special equipment. But why would you want to do it? We answer this question in this section with giving following tips:
- It tones and define your abdominal muscles, and so it gives you aesthetics benefit. Although it takes caloric deficit to burn abdominal fat, core excercises strengthen and tone the underlying muscles.
- Stronger core makes it easier to do many activities, such as simple things like carrying stuff around or swinging a golf club or even getting a glass from the top shelf or bending down to tie your shoes. Strong core is also important for athletes, such as runners, because weak core muscles could lead to more fatigue, weak endurance and more injuries, while your technique will suffer consequential.
- Core excercise helps with achieving your fitness goals. Aerobic excercise and muscular fitness are in the biggest focus of most fitness programs. But when you have well-rounded fitness program, consider including core excercises in the mix for perfection. It will help you with faster progression, and prevent some injuries and help you handle more weight load.
Never neglect your core training, whether you are novice taking the first steps of your fitness journey or an advanced fitness athlete hoping to optimize your results. A well rounded fitness program is the best way to go.
[1] M.C. Siff, Supertraining, Supertraining Institute, Denver (2004)
[2] M.H. Stone, K. Sanborn, H.S. O’Bryant, M. Hartman, M.E. Stone, C. Proulx, B. Ward, J. Hruby, Maximum strength-power-performance relationships in collegiate throwers, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 17 (2003), pp. 739-745
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