Safety Instructions

All Oak N’ Eagle products have been designed and manufactured for professional training. We assume no liability for accidents or injuries resulting from improper use of Oak N’ Eagle products. The tools must be used in accordance with common sense, to avoid and prevent the risk of injuries to the users, people around them, animals, objects and other properties.

We advise to always carefully read the Use and Assembly Manual, prior the assembly, installation and use (when assembly is required). Shall the product miss such manuals, please contact us directly at to receive them in electronic version.

All the tools and accessories required for assembly and use, are advised to be provided before starting with assembly process. The absence of tools and accessories suitable for such a task can lead to injuries to people or objects.

Before you begin with a training using our products, make sure that the environment is safe and the space is large enough. You should always place them on even surfaces when neccesary.

Oak N’ Eagle trademark owner, is not liable for any kind of injuries that might occur to people or objects due to poor choice of space for product assembly, use or storage.

We care for the environment, so we use environment-friendly materials for product packaging. Furthermore, suggests to all parties to sort and dispose the packaging in suitable containers.

Plastic packaging must be kept out of children’s reach in order to avoid suffocation.

To maintain high safety standards of our products, Oak N’ Eagle strongly recommends regular equipment maintenance. The greatest attention should be paid to the equipment (and its components) that are most frequently used and are most exposed to damage.

You should never expose wood to any kind of moisture. We are not responsible for damage that was made because of poor storage and use conditions. Please note that wood is a live material, so some cracks happen during it’s lifetime because of natural process inside. Those are not proper reasons to return our equipment. 

If any product is damaged, defective, worn out or does not function properly, it must no longer be used until it is repaired or replaced.

Using Oak N’ Eagle products in outdoor areas will shorten the lifespan of these products unless the products are designed and manufactured specifically for outdoor use.

Oak N’ Eagle is not responsible for damage caused to people, animals or objects due to irregular check of equipment or due to poor maintenance of the equipment.

It is recommended that you follow these basic rules before and when using Oak N’ Eagle products:

  • Always use all the safety precautions specified in the given instructions.
  • For all exercises involving lifts and drops, use a safe crash mat on the falling area and remove all object from the same area that might obstruct proper use.
  • The equipment must not be overloaded. Any overloaded product could break or bend, and consequently damage persons or objects.
  • Before starting any exercise program, consult a doctor and a professional trainer to prevent damage to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
  • Suitable warm up before the start of training prevents the possibility of injury.
  • Start training always with lighter exercises, then increase the difficulty level according your physical abilities.
  • In the event of nausea, breathing problems, chest pain or headache, immediately stop with your training and consult a doctor if the above symptoms do not cease.
  • Always exercise, wearing light and comfortable clothes and shoes.
  • Trainings should always take place on the appropriate surface.
  • Children can only use sports equipment under the adult supervision.
  • We produce equipment without the use of hazardous materials or toxic chemicals, but it is nevertheless recommended to avoid ingestion or direct eye contact. Be careful not to swallow fragments, such as painting, chroming or primary raw materials. We are not responsible for allergic reactions and injuries to people during training with Oak N’ Eagle sports equipment.
  • It is important to remember that chemical products such as lead, chromium, nickel or cadmium are often used for industrial purposes and can trigger allergic reactions.
  • The use of natural latex products can trigger skin allergies. Make sure that you are not allergic to the raw materials of which the product is made of.
  • We use natural oil to prevent wood from disintegrating too fast. Even though it is not harmful, you should still be careful not to get in touch with eyes or mouth, especially for the children.